What Target has managed to do is take that same level of customer loyalty and translate it to a world where people haven’t been spending nearly as much time in stores. It’s not a new strategy, but in some ways,…
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Views: 1,427
If brand values are just words and companies feel no compunction to not say one thing and do another, then when do advertising agencies become liars for hire? Read more in warc Brand is a strategy By Faris Yakob was…
brands and culture
4 Branding Strategies Your Company Should Apply In 2020 By Jia Wertz
20 July 2020Views: 2,919The main goal is to create a consistent customer experience across all touchpoints to exceed your standards and your customer’s expectations. By keeping an eye on the entire customer journey, you’re making sure that the promise of a positive experience…
Χωρίς κατηγορία
Three Paths to the Future By Marin Gjaja , Rich Hutchinson , Adam Farber , Amanda Brimmer , and Dan Kahn
15 July 2020Views: 2,005We have characterized the recovery from the coronavirus into three phases: flatten, fight, and future. The future will not arrive until a vaccine or people’s natural resistance creates herd immunity or until an effective treatment emerges. In pursuing this end…
Leaders, Do You Have a Clear Vision for the Post-Crisis Future? by Mark W. Johnson and Josh Suskewicz
30 May 2020Views: 1,370The business environment that you land in when the pandemic comes to an end — which could be one to two years from now — may be very different from what it was before the crisis began. Read more in…
When Resilience Is More Important Than Efficiency By Martin Reeves and Raj Varadarajan
14 March 2020Views: 1,446Sometimes the right approach to redesigning an enterprise is a simple, static one. But often it isn’t, and in those cases a systems approach is needed to reach a solution that addresses dynamic factors like resilience. Read more in BCG…
Views: 1,143
Leaders should help their managers and employees anticipate disruption and change to get excited about learning new skills that will keep them employed and ensure development in their careers. Read more in burrus.com The Industry 4.0 Advantage By Daniel Burrus…
talk the trends
Why coyntries need new job creation strategies By Arindam Bhattacharya, Hans-Paul Bürkner, Vincent Chin, and Rajah Augustinraj
22 November 2018Views: 958China continues to report robust urban job growth that outpaces growth in the country’s labor force—despite a slowdown in economic expansion. By contrast, employment in India grew by only 1.4% per year from 2000 through 2016. Read more in BCG …
10 Principles of Strategic Leadership by Jessica Leitch, David Lancefield, and Mark Dawson
10 October 2018Views: 1,867The study suggests that strategic leaders are more likely to be women (10 percent of the female respondents were categorized this way, versus 7 percent of the men), and the number of strategic leaders increases with age (the highest proportion…
Views: 1,562
if you produce the right kind of strategic content, directly targeted to your audience and helpful or inspiring for them in some way, you will break through and over time, build a relationship with those audiences that pay brand dividends.…