Drivers, for instance, may no longer be drivers, relying instead on hailing a driverless car on demand, and if they do decide to buy, they will likely share the vehicle—by renting it out to other people when it isn’t in…
Views: 1,269
Views: 1,176
Helsinki’s ambitious vision reflects a much larger phenomenon: an exciting new era of smart mobility driven by groundbreaking technological innovation. read more in fastcoexist Eliminate The Need For Car Ownership By 2025 By William D. Eggers was last modified: July…
Views: 1,524
Below I’ve provided five different features that’ll appear in your future car, which I am basing on both exponential technological growth and on current innovations being pursued by several different organizations and companies throughout the world. read them in serious…
Views: 1,355
Women are more confident, more educated and financially better prepared to make a car buying decision than before but women are treated differently at car dealerships learn more in bizcommunity Women account for more than 50% of new car purchases…
tech for life
Volvo designs magnetic roads for cheaper, simpler self-driving cars By Ryan Whitwam
22 March 2014Views: 1,199There are myriad visions for a future filled with self-driving cars. For example, there’s Google’s experimental driverless car bristling with sensors, as well as more modest systems that would only take over from drivers for short periods. The problem with…