Valued at $13.69 billion and employing around 78,000 people worldwide, the L’Oréal Group is the largest and most profitable company in the cosmetics industry. Between 2005 and 2016, it increased production volume across its 34 brands by 29%. But in…
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Vertical Forest is a model for a sustainable residential building, a project for metropolitan reforestation that contributes to the regeneration of the environment and urban biodiversity without the implication of expanding the city upon the territory learn more in serious…
Views: 1,989
By 2030 the global demand for water will be 40% greater than supply. The effects are real and happening right now. read more in agenda weforum
energy & eco
Is This Tiny Cabin Micro-Community the Future of Sustainable Living? By Lorraine Chow
20 April 2015Views: 1,171This concept of shared land, simple living and interdependence is also a page right out of the sustainable living handbook. learn more in ecowatch Is This Tiny Cabin Micro-Community the Future of Sustainable Living? By Lorraine Chow was last modified:…
Views: 1,165
By 2030, two-thirds of the world’s population will live in cities, and most will be poor. Our cities—designed in a time when neither of these facts were true—are struggling to adapt to this change. But if we want our cities…
Views: 1,090
Building transportation systems that connect areas has the power to transform the economic structure of a metropolitan region.California is starting to construct a high-speed rail network that will connect San Francisco and Los Angeles by 2028 and cut travel time…
energy & eco
Sustainability is Becoming a Key Part of Decision Making for Brands by Sheila Shayon
8 August 2014Views: 1,189Procter & Gamble is partnering with the Malaysia Institute for Supply Chain Innovation to help small farmers improve their palm oil and palm kernel oil production as part of its zero deforestation lgoals set in April after the consumer packaged-goods…
energy & eco
Stunning Photographs Show How We are Using And Abusing The World’s Water by Adele Peters
6 April 2014Views: 1,096Since water covers most of the Earth’s surface, the filmmakers had to carefully choose a handful of stories to tell. “It was like a design process–we opened with research and development of the idea of water and reduced it to…
Views: 1,196
In 2007, Vancouver had annual emissions of 4.9 tons of CO2 equivalent per capita. By 2012, according to Vancouver’s city government, it had dropped to 4.4 tons per person. According to environmental advocates, the city has pursued three main agendas…
brands and culture
Greenpeace urges luxury fashion brands to clean up production by 2020 By Sarah Jones
2 March 2014Views: 1,041International environmental organization Greenpeace is putting pressure on eight luxury fashion brands to revise their production processes after finding toxic chemicals in their apparel and accessories. learn more in luxury daily Greenpeace urges luxury fashion brands to clean up…