The law calls for 100% renewable electricity by 2032. It’s the most ambitious renewable portfolio standard in the country. The law also calls for D.C. to increase its use of solar power, with a total of 10% of electricity coming…
smart city
Views: 984
talk the trends
How Can Cities Leverage the Potential of the ‘Sharing Economy’? By MD staff
31 January 2018Views: 1,601Sharing is an age-old concept. But the potential pool of people with whom to share is growing exponentially, as technology-enabled platforms connect and vouch for new members from around the globe. Cities can leverage the potential of the sharing economy…
Views: 1,280
By 2050 72 per cent of the world’s population are going to live in cities. So, that is about 42 per cent more than now, so we’re going to be really, really crowded. So, these smart city solutions are designed…
Views: 1,316
From noisy airports and traffic jams to crime and anti-social behaviour, city life is full of annoyances. But what if technology could solve these problems? Here are ten ways it can help in raconteur 10 ways tech can cure big-city…
Views: 1,256
It is estimated that the world’s top 100 cities will account for 35 percent of global GDP growth between now and 2025. However, urbanization also presents major challenges. The world’s fastest growing cities have seen problems adjusting to growth and…
energy & ecotalk the trends
IoT and Smart City trends boost smart waste collection market Christina Jung
4 March 2017Views: 3,114Waste collection is an essential city service. Ample opportunity exists worldwide for smart technology to increase efficiency and improve the quality of waste collection services. Currently, most municipal waste collection operations focus on emptying containers according to predefined schedules. This…
energy & eco
Smart City trends boost smart waste collection market by Christina Jung
15 February 2017Views: 1,531here is a growing awareness among city leaders of the potential benefits of multi-application approaches to the deployment of smart city infrastructure. At the heart of this transformation is IoT technology that connects a range of intelligent sensors and devices…
Views: 1,375
When a new housing development called ReGen Village opens as early as next year on the outskirts of Amsterdam, residents won’t have to rely on external sources to provide most of their energy, waste management, or even food. Read more…