Here’s how one online dictionary defines trends: “A trend is what’s hip or popular at a certain point in time.” Framed that way, it’s easy to understand why so many people have a knee-jerk distrust of trends. Read more in…
Views: 2,153
tech for life
You’ll see a whole bunch of people wearing robots at work in 2018 By Greg Nichols
2 January 2018Views: 1,194Most major developers of powered exoskeleton suits have now adapted technology originally conceived for mobility to industrial applications. Sarcos is now bringing two exoskeletons to market that have a good shot at being the first blockbuster powered industrial exoskeletons, the Guardian…
Views: 1,683
In 2018, expect to see companies employ AI in increasingly creative ways on social media. Already, ad platforms are capable of testing hundreds of variations at once–tweaking imagery and wording to automatically identify which ads are performing best and put…
Views: 1,741
An explosion in renewables and digital technologies is changing the way we generate and consume power, ownership has become fragmented, with international investors buying and selling energy assets, and policy is being shaped by a pressing need to tackle climate…
Views: 1,825
80% of the predictive value for a startup has to do with externalities–market, customers, competitors, et cetera. Only about 20% of our algorithm looks at the startup itself Read more in Fast Company This Prediction Algorith Will Tell Yo If…
talk the trends
Ray Kurzweil’s Most Exciting Predictions About the Future of Humanity By Patrick Caughill
15 June 2017Views: 1,363Ray Kurzweil is called “a prophet of both techno-doom and techno-salvation.” The author, inventor, computer scientist, futurist, and director of engineering at Google provides, a full 86 percent of his predictions — including the fall of the Soviet Union, the…
Views: 1,378
Bill Gates has been almost prophetic in his past predictions: his 1999 list was hauntingly accurate, foreseeing the advent of price comparison websites, smartphones, social media, and bots. Over the last few years, in interviews and annual letters, he has…
Views: 1,240
Tristan Walker, founder and CEO of Walker & Company Brands, a health and beauty company for people of color:“If you think a lot about health and beauty in general, it’s toward a billion dollar industry but still completely on the…
Views: 1,243
By 2020, 40 percent of employees can cut their healthcare costs by wearing a fitness tracker and 30% of web browsing sessions will be done without a screen . By 2019 , 20% of brands will abandon their mobile apps …
Views: 1,346
Geneticists have found clear evidence that the choices people make can have profound impacts on the evolution of entire populations, and ultimately, our species as well.Some striking examples have been found like that both women and men are currently under…