Retail marketing is the planning and process of bringing consumers to retail locations. Whether your establishment is brick-and-mortar or an e-commerce site, the goal is to convert your audience to satisfied retail customers. Read more in business 13 Retail Marketing…
Views: 403
Retail’s Tech Transformation and a Rapid Move to Omnichannel By Digital First Magazine
28 June 2023Views: 285As the pandemic unfolded, there was a daunting challenge for retail to move digital, with a long list of problems to address. Now we have returned to some sense of normality, the industry has recognised that consumers’ shopping needs have…
Amazon launches initiative for sellers to expand across 9 European stores By Jasdip Sensi
24 April 2023Views: 297Amazon has unveiled a new initiative which will allow sellers to expand their businesses to nine European stores.The automated expansion solution eliminates the need for sellers to navigate several different tools and reduce the time it takes to expand their…
Views: 1,080
The way we understand retail has shifted—big time. COVID-19 brought the retail industry to its knees in many ways. Brick and mortar shops once-daily frequented, saw a dearth of clients. Read more in Rallyware Retail Reinvented: Pros and Cons of…
Views: 911
A recent Harvard Business Review survey found that 73% of today’s buyers use multiple channels to search and spend. So when all these channels are connected and play to their respective strengths, omnichannel retailing really pays off. Here are 14…
Views: 956
Requiring only an app to get started, Hero means that store associates can make more of quiet periods in-store by using their selling and relationship-building skills live online. The results speak for themselves. Hero reports a ten times higher conversion…
Views: 1,154
Customer journey just a couple of years ago would have taken days, weeks, or even months, now happens in a few seconds. All the steps of the consumer journey have effectively collapsed into one moment. Read more in zeusjones The…
Most logistics providers expect to offer 2-hour delivery by 2028 By Heather Mcilvaine
23 July 2018Views: 1,325The survey also confirms that click-and-collect will become ubiquitous in retail, with 99 per cent of retailer respondents saying they plan to implement click-and-collect to allow a more seamless fulfilment process by 2023. Read more in internetretailing Most logistics providers…
social faith
Top 4 Organizational Trends in Customer Experience By Customer Experience Professionals Association
12 December 2017Views: 1,204Organizations are having a difficult time defining “digital.” Some define it as a technology transformation; others believe it is customer facing technology; still others refer to digital as technology that integrates across all facets of a business. Read more in knect365…
Views: 2,436
This year’s forecasts will highlight the trends and issues (including personalization, in-store experiences, and developments in payments technology) that we think will have major impacts on the retail industry over the coming 12 months. Read about them in vendhq 12…