Left-handers exhibit, on average, a more developed right brain hemisphere, which is specialised for processes such as spatial reasoning and the ability to rotate mental representations of objects. Read more in science alert Study Finds Left-Handed People Are Better at…
Views: 1,271
Views: 1,492
From code-teaching caterpillars to colorful chemistry kits, manufacturers and retailers alike are eager to cash in on a growing toy sector, known by the buzzworthy term STEM, that promises to deliver on science, technology, engineering, and math education. Read more…
An ancient Greek algorithm could reveal all-new prime numbers by Fiona MacDonald
2 November 2016Views: 1,256The world’s top mathematicians thinks the key to taking things to the next level could come from an ancient Greek algorithm, called the sieve of Eratosthenes which is pretty much what it sounds like – a mathematical sieve that helps people…
Views: 1,219
In the workforce, where women make up 47% of employees, they only represent a quarter of the jobs in mathematical sciences and 13% of engineers. learn more in fastcompany These 3 Stem Fields Dominated By Women By Lydia Dishman was…