Great storytelling is an integral part of leadership. Steve Jobs may have been criticized for some elements of his leadership style, but he was able to get his team to believe in the vision he saw. read more in digitalistmag…
Views: 1,319
she leads
8 Female Leaders On How To Overcome What’s Holding Women Back By Vivian Giang
19 September 2014Views: 1,397The future of women in leadership may lie somewhere between leaning in and opting out. We will take a critical look at what’s really holding us back on the road to more equitable version of the workplace learn more in…
The Six Defining Traits Of The Successful 21st Century Organization by gap international
17 September 2014Views: 1,228For those of you looking to create and grow a successful 21st Century Organization in the face of modern market pressures and uncertainties, the important question continues to be: What do you focus on now to be competitive and leading-edge?…
Views: 3,118
Being a good follower doesn’t make you a “sheep. The truth is that most of us are in followership roles regularly, perhaps in our families, social circles, religions, or other settings. Here are five skills you learn as a good…