In 2025, in accordance with Moore’s Law, we’ll see an acceleration in the rate of change as we move closer to a world of true abundance. Here are eight areas where we’ll see extraordinary transformation in the next decade read…
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Imagine this: As you drive into your workplace, your office building identifies your car, the garage door opens automatically, and you are directed to your parking spot. read more in quicklookblog Intelligent buildings, IOT and real estate owners By Surabhi…
Views: 1,149
There is a new threat to our privacy and security that many reading this have never considered which is the rapidly growing list of connected hardware or shiny new gadgets themselves. There are many connected devices are no longer created…
Views: 1,604
Patients will be connected through a variety of devices to a variety of professionals and diagnostic tools that can help them manage their own health by eating better. read more in ghx IoT, Imagining the Possibilities for Healthcare By Karen…
Views: 1,142
The Internet of Things is behind most of the technology disruption next year. Read the Top Ten Strategic Technology Trends for 2016. read morte in GCN The 2016 Digital Mesh By GCN Staff was last modified: January 16th, 2016 by…
Views: 1,165
During 2015 IBM invested $3 billion in its IoT business unit. AT&T announced a record 1.6 million connected device net adds, including 1 million IoT-enabled cars, in Q3 of the saem year . Busy year for IOT Read more in agenda…
Views: 1,212
Digital amnesia’, which the researchers define as forgetting information that we trust to digital devices to store and remember on our behalf, appears to be a problem for young and old alike, with 91.2 percent of respondents in USA ,…
tech for life
Why Digital Identity Is The Key To Truly Smart Cities By Lasse Andresen
1 January 2016Views: 1,174The rise of digital identity management technology means that many of connected devices can now be assigned their own identities across the internet of things ecosystem. read more in labcities Why Digital Identity Is The Key To Truly Smart Cities…
Views: 1,187
There will be new jobs, new tasks and new skills required in order to achieve the next levels of economic activity in an IOT world Read more in Fast company How The IOT Is Changing Work By David Lumb was…
energy & eco
Air pollution sensor harvests its own energy from wireless networks By Derek Markham
23 October 2015Views: 1,142What if some small low-energy IoT devices could be powered by the virtual ‘electrosmog’ that surrounds us all the time – the radio frequency (RF) transmissions of the wireless and mobile networks that are broadcast around us? Read more in…