When big data, blockchain and AI are combined, it will change collaboration among individuals, organisations and things, moving from pure human-to-human collaboration to increasingly human-to-machine collaboration and machine-to-machine collaboration. All these technologies enable organisations to design smarter businesses. Read more…
Views: 1,951
tech for life
The Five Most Amazing Things That Were 3-D-Printed This Year By Erin Winick
8 March 2018Views: 9713-D printing took a series of big steps out of the realm of niche prototyping and into the world of mass manufacturing. Here’s a look at some of the most impressive things 3-D printers made , as well as what…
Views: 1,222
In the Blue World, an individualized and integrated world, global corporations take center stage, becoming larger, more powerful, and more influential than ever — some even have more sway than nation states. Read more in strategy-business What Will Work Look…
Views: 1,246
The term ‘superpowers’ conjures an image of major nations shaping the course of global history. But in the digital era, It’s time that we expanded that definition to include four extraordinary technological superpowers. Read more in Weforum Four new ‘superpowers’…
Views: 1,306
In 2018, expect to see companies employ AI in increasingly creative ways on social media. Already, ad platforms are capable of testing hundreds of variations at once–tweaking imagery and wording to automatically identify which ads are performing best and put…
tech for life
‘We are moving into uncharted territory’: Futurists shed light on the robotic revolution By Anna Maria Tremonti
23 January 2018Views: 1,131Between 2017 and 2037 there be more change, more transformation, than any time in human history. So what that means is that the old is crumbling and the new has yet to be fully engaged .Technology is not good or bad…
Views: 1,149
It’s difficult to look at broad trends or predict what the future job market will bring. Of course, plenty of research aims to tell you which degrees or professions offer the greatest salary growth. Read more in cbsnews What skills…
Views: 1,267
AI will probably exacerbate inequalities, first with job disruptions—a few people will benefit greatly from the wealth created, [while] a large number will suffer because of job loss—and second because wealth created by AI is likely to be concentrated in…
Views: 1,667
The world is often divided in terms of those who believe in techutopia – that the world will benefit from the brilliance of technology – and those who are deeply worried about humans in an age of machines. How to…
energy & eco
This is the what the world will look like if we can curb global warming By Dave Mosher
9 December 2017Views: 1,079“There’s no stopping global warming. That means that even if carbon emissions were to drop to zero tomorrow, we’d still be watching human-driven climate change play out for centuries. And we all know emissions aren’t going to stop immediately. The…