Finland has no standardized tests. Their only exception is something called the National Matriculation Exam, which is a voluntary test for students at the end of an upper-secondary school (equivalent to an American high school). Read more in bigthink 10…
Views: 2,285
Views: 1,146
The bioeconomy comprises those parts of the economy that use renewable biological resources from land and sea – such as crops, forests, fish, animals and micro-organisms – to produce food, materials and energy. Read more in euobserver Bioeconomy is a win-win…
Views: 1,200
Helsinki’s ambitious vision reflects a much larger phenomenon: an exciting new era of smart mobility driven by groundbreaking technological innovation. read more in fastcoexist Eliminate The Need For Car Ownership By 2025 By William D. Eggers was last modified: July…
Views: 1,313
The remarkable fact about Finland’s education system is that students are only required to take one test during their entire time as students.Here are 10 things that set Finland apart from the rest of the world in education. Read…
Views: 1,250
The recent announcements by Netflix and other major firms following suit by offering their employees more generous family leave are just starting to scratch the surface when considering the vast majority of U.S. companies that do not even have “paid”…
Views: 1,230
Finland’s students are regularly top the charts on global education metrics despite a lack of homework and more away-from-the-desk time during the school day. No homework is a pretty drastic measure in most people’s minds, so how does it work?…