If women had the same tools as male farmers, Project Drawdown calculates that they could grow 20-30% more food on the same amount of land. That translates into 2 billion tons of emissions that could be avoided between now and…
Views: 1,424
talk the trends
Do women outperform men? 9 charts on education around the world by Kate Whiting
26 October 2018Views: 1,208.In the decade between 2007 and 2017, the percentage of adults who had a level of education below upper secondary (usually from age 14) fell from 20% to 15%. The most highly educated country in the report was South Korea,…
Views: 2,293
Finland has no standardized tests. Their only exception is something called the National Matriculation Exam, which is a voluntary test for students at the end of an upper-secondary school (equivalent to an American high school). Read more in bigthink 10…
Views: 1,062
A new report published by Dell Technologies have also hinted that the pace of change is so fast that 85% of the jobs that will exist in 2030 have not even been invented yet.Furthermore, there is a gradual shift in…
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A good way to overcome uneasiness, anxiety or fear is simply be learning more about whatever seems to be the issue. AI is still in its infancy, so there may be many jobs, business and investment opportunities in the near…
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Companies like Tesla believe that it’s crucial to consider neuroscience when designing and developing training programs in order to increase the efficiency of employee learning and boost their personal and professional growth. Read more in Rallyware The Neuroscience Behind The…
The Future of Learning is Tightly Integrated into the Future of Work By George Elfond
9 March 2018Views: 1,150Technology and globalization influence the way people will work in the future, which defines the way we will learn. Of course, we can’t set clear predictions but one thing remains definite: if you are not ready to be a lifelong…
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Machines are present in healthcare, security, manufacturing, neuro-technology, education, and marketing, to cite just some examples. They can now recognize a human face, drive a car, assist students, and even hack your brain! Read more in Cactus Soft Will Your…
Views: 1,345
Tencent says there are only 300,000 AI engineers worldwide, but millions are needed. A new report from the Chinese tech giant attempts to put a number on the AI talent shortfall. Read more in The Verge The massive bottleneck in…
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72 percent of survey participants labeled AI a decided “business advantage.” That raises the question: Where else will AI effectively transform entire industries? Here’s just a sampling of some other industries positioned to leverage A.I. Read about them in burrus…