Scotland’s transition to renewable energy has been made without any negative impact on the country’s finances – its accomplishments serve to demonstrate that there’s no longer a need to decide between ecological and economic considerations. Read more in Futurism European…
Views: 1,047
Views: 1,179
Winning the shiny prize for first place is Finland (pictured at the top) with a score of 90.68; the country earned impressive marks in the metrics of Health Impacts, Water and Sanitation, and Biodiversity and Habitat. Read more in treehugger…
energy & eco
Cities Of The Future Would Be Built Entirely Of Bamboo By Adele Peters
28 November 2015Views: 1,245Bamboo is a underrated material, especially when it can be used locally,As the plant grows—as much as a foot a day—it acts like an air purifier, generating up to 35% more oxygen than a similar stand of trees, while absorbing…
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These cities that are doing the best at embracing the future are focusing on improving technology, equality, sharing, civic participation, and more. learn more at fastcoexist The Smartest Cities In The World By Boyd Cohen was last modified: November 28th,…
Views: 1,088
Among the benefits of the MIT CityFARM system is a faster crop growing time–about 3-4x faster. A head of lettuce that may mature in 100 days takes 15–20 days to grow in the lab. learn more at Grow food…
Views: 1,237
In some circles, 3-D printing has a reputation for being greener than manufacturing in a traditional factory. But that’s not necessarily the case–at least not yet–according to a recent study. learn more in fastcoexist Is 3-D Printing Better For…
Views: 1,186
After NASA scientists analyzed data from 1,000 meteorological stations from around the globe, they found a strange pattern. Perspective, they say, is everything. Donald Trump may not believe in climate change because it’s cold during North American winters, but…
Views: 1,342
We wake up, we turn on the tap, and out comes as much water as we want for less than we pay for cell phone service or television,” says Robert Glennon, author of “Unquenchable: America’s Water Crisis and What To…