As big data have shown their advantages in commerce, governance, surveillance and many other areas, now is the time to explore how to put them to use for humanity learn more in futuristablog Big data for humanity By Freija Van…
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As convenient as it may be, shopping for clothes online has one major pitfall: finding the right size. Retailers know it: E-return rates can reach as high as 40% as consumers take guesses on the correct size and toss items…
Views: 1,182
Below is an estimation of Google’s master plan to become the connective tissue of the Internet, of all data sharing, and eventually of life itself. learn more in slate Google’s Master Plan Turn everything into data By David Auerbach was…
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At a Fashion Tech Forum in New York City, the founders of Everlane, The Hunt and Stitch Fix came together to discuss the ways they’re using technology to reimagine the shopping experience.Here’s what they had to say: learn more…
Views: 1,190
The more you know about your customers, the better you can serve them. But what you do with that data makes all the difference in the world. It’s amazing how two companies–competitors in a number of ways–can make some…