A new report published by Dell Technologies have also hinted that the pace of change is so fast that 85% of the jobs that will exist in 2030 have not even been invented yet.Furthermore, there is a gradual shift in…
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Mexicans work far longer days than anyone else. Germans, on the other hand, clock up the least hours. Greeks work the longest hours in Europe, at an average 2,035 hours per year. At the other end of the spectrum, German…
Views: 1,062
To address culture sustainability, SAP has committed to actively foster diversity with four focus areas: gender, generations, cultures and identity, and disability. For example, the company met its goal of filling 25 percent of leadership roles with women this year.…
Views: 1,071
Employees at a mission-based hospital network may be driven by the knowledge that their work enables patients to live longer, healthier lives. People working for a blue-chip company may take special pride in being associated with a premium, globally recognized…
Views: 1,181
Machines are present in healthcare, security, manufacturing, neuro-technology, education, and marketing, to cite just some examples. They can now recognize a human face, drive a car, assist students, and even hack your brain! Read more in Cactus Soft Will Your…
talk the trends
Businesses need big ideas to create radical change By Robeert Jones
18 November 2017Views: 1,314A big idea is not the same thing as a strategy or business model. It’s much more emotional, and usually lasts much longer. Johnson & Johnson has pursued its ethical approach to healthcare products since 1886. Read more in raconteur …
Views: 1,106
SAP met its goal of filling 25 percent of leadership roles with women this year. It has committed to hiring 650 people with autism by 2020; more than 110 have been hired so far. Read more in strategy business Putting Humanity…
talk the trends
What the Best Transformational Leaders Do By Scott Anthony and Evan I. Schwartz
5 August 2017Views: 2,904A study revealed that companies leading the most successful transformations, are creating new offerings and business models to push into new growth markets, share common characteristics and strategies. Read more in hbr What the Best Transformational Leaders Do By Scott…
Views: 1,333
Google’s latest project may be the most widely accessible and comprehensive fashion collection on the planet. All you need to view it is an internet connection.“We Wear Culture” is a collaboration between Google and more than 180 museums, schools, fashion…
Views: 1,722
The Scandinavian HR model is known for taking a holistic, humanistic approach with a multiple stakeholder focus. Secondly, the Scandinavian model is also a great example of how a collaborative culture and individual empowerment can go hand in hand. Read…