2013 was a big year for consumer health technology. According to mobile tech consultancy Research2Guidance, there are now close to 100,000 mobile health apps in 62 app stores, with the top 10 apps generating over 4 million free downloads every…
talk the trends
Views: 1,265
talk the trends
11 Web Marketing and Social Media Trends That Will Shape 2014 by Stephanie Frasco
23 February 2014Views: 1,1122014 is going to be a killer year for Social Media and Small Business. Social Media allows small businesses to leverage technology to even the playing field with bigger brands and companies. In 2014, some of the trends we…
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Top digital tech trends to watch out for in 2014 January 9 by Team Mindshare
23 February 2014Views: 1,239Wearable fundraising, smart bras, e-Government and ambient Bluetooth consumer messaging are all set to trend in 2014. Digital technology will continue to provide new connections, revenue streams and communications channels for brands, consumers, charities and businesses. learn more in digital…
Views: 1,175
We are now reaching “Crunch Time”, when cumulative change is reaching the point of fundamental disruption in many aspects of society. Now is when the extent of change truly hits home, leaving many dazed, yet others seizing the extraordinary opportunities…
talk the trends
Top 10 Retail Banking Trends and Predictions for 2014 by Jim Marous
22 February 2014Views: 1,241The Top 10 Retail Banking Trends and Predictions for 2014 are compiled from more than 60 global financial services leaders including bankers, credit union executives, industry analysts, advisors, publishers and editors, bloggers and fintech followers. learn more in bank…
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5 Visions of What Transportation Will Look Like In 2030 by Sydney Brownstone
20 February 2014Views: 1,461In the megacities of the future, we are going to find new ways to move everyone around–from underground highways to roads where pedestrians and cars share the same space. The United Nations predicts that roughly 60% of the world’s population…
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The Fantastic, Dystopian Future of Social Networking by John Brandon
20 February 2014Views: 1,501In the year 2020, social networking will look different. Well, I should say, it better look different. I’m getting bored clicking through pictures of cute babies and weddings. So I’m going to do a little prognosticating. I think in the…
talk the trends
The Top 10 Future Tech Trends From 5 Top Venture Capitalists by Robert Hof
20 February 2014Views: 1,154The only thing people in Silicon Valley like to do more than talk about the future of tech is to invent it. Tonight they settled for the second-best thing, in the form of the popular Top 10 Tech Trends dinner.…